Svendsen Ministry Update and Prayer

Lisa training how to share your testimony
Greetings all, we have been busy as of late. God is really moving in some amazing ways and we're so excited to be a part of what He is doing. We just finished a No Place Left Tulsa training, which was held at New Life on April 1 and 2. There were about 30 in attendance and several other churches want to hold the training at their churches. The NPL Tulsa movement is gaining some national and international attention. We were recently highlighted on a podcast by Steve Addison of

The local Tulsa Metro Baptist Network has also just added four catalysts that will work to train network churches across the city, Tony was named as one of those trainers.


  • Please pray that other churches would catch the vision of learning how to share the gospel in a simple, biblical and reproducible way that leads to making disciples and even church planting.  
  • We are still raising support and need an additional $1825 per month to reach our goal.
  • Tony leaves for Rio Bravo, Mexico in two weeks, from April 20-24,  to do a No Place Left training.
  • Our trip to Ireland is May 2-11, please pray that God would open doors and establish ministry partners.

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