Svendsen's May 2016 Ministry Update 

Greetings all, thank you for your prayers! They have been felt as we have had a busy couple months of ministry from Tulsa to Mexico to Ireland. (There and back again!)

Mexico: Tony had an opportunity to go to Rio Bravo Mexico to train a group of four pastors in methods of doing outreach and making disciples. We were able to go and implement some of the training by going door-to-door praying. During our prayer walking, we had the opportunity to pray for 11 homes, of which three opened up their homes for a Bible study and there was one person who committed their life to the Lord (Praise God!).They were very receptive to the training and we will most likely return for future training and outreach.

Ireland: Our trip to Ireland was an interesting one. We both learned a lot about the state of the church in Ireland. Starting in Dublin, we meet with Greater Europe Missions missionaries Phil and Cheryl Kingsley, who have been in Ireland for over thirty years. They were able to give us great insight into the spiritual condition of the Republic of Ireland. Most of the population in the Republic comes from a Catholic background, but now are mostly a secular culture with only half of one percent being evangelical Christians. Northern Ireland was much different. They seemed to be experiencing something similar to the US. They are steeped in tradition and are resistant to change which has hurt the witness of the church. We met with a ministry in Belfast, New Wine Ministry, who is working to revitalize traditional churches, but spent most of our time with Andrew Clements and family (pictured below right with wife Jennifer and son Fraser). Andrew is a dynamic young man with a heart to see the gospel preached and disciples made in all of Ireland. We will work with all of these ministries to develop a plan to help him do it, until there is no place left!!!

Cool Story: When we returned from Ireland, we had an outreach planned with New Life and Asbury UMC to do outreach at Rooster Days downtown Broken Arrow for our Second Saturday outreach. We had a great time training a young lady from Asbury and sharing the gospel. The first group we shared with were five teens. One was from Broken Arrow and was going into the Air Force, another from California, and the other three where foreign exchange students: one was from Thailand and the other two were from Denmark. My heritage is Danish so it was cool to reach people from "the mother land" in Broken Arrow OK. The three exchange student all said they had never heard the Gospel before. The one girl from Denmark was Vietnamese (although she was born in Denmark) and was Buddhist, she was convinced that her religion was the only one for her. When we asked her why she believed that, she said because it was the religion of her parents. All the others, however, were very receptive to the gospel and you could see God softening their hearts. Pray that the seed of the Gospel will find good soil.

Other News: We've moved and now have a new address. Same apartment complex we just move down to a one bedroom. If you need our new mailing address please let us know.

Prayers and Praises: We gained a new supporter this month! We thank Lakeview Southern Baptist Church for their partnership! Please continue to pray for more partners as we are trying to raise our full support by the end of the year.

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