"In the whirlwind of change facing our globe, God is doing something unprecedented. As the Church, we stand on the cusp of our next great turning point. A once-in-a-generation moment is here. God is opening doors to serve and advance His Gospel. It has never been more important - or possible - to rise and make a tangible impact on real issues that affect real people."
For Such A Time As This was the theme for our recent e3 Partners International Conference. When we read the story of Esther, we see that God had placed her in just the right place at just the right time to be able to make a difference for her people. But we also see Mordecai warning her that if she wouldn't act, God would bring liberation and deliverance from another place, however, she and her family would still perish (Es 4:14). We certainly don't want to miss out on the opportunity to be part of what God is doing. But like Esther, if we want to be part of what God is doing, we must step out in faith.

Attending the conference always gets us inspired and refreshed. A former Hindu priest, who God is now using to train believers and plant churches, was one of our trainers during the first half of the week. We heard stories about how people by the 1000's are coming to Christ in closed countries and the underground church is thriving! By attending breakout sessions each day, we are better equipped to share with children, pray more effectively. We had the privilege of touring the main office at The Hope Center and even got to sit in the official I Am Second white chair! Of course, one of the highlights of the week was being able to reconnect with old friends!
In 2016, through e3 partners expeditions, the gospel was shared 2.4 million times, in 65 countries, 40K churches were planted and 930K people maked professions of faith in Christ! The opportunities in 2017 are even greater! All Glory Be to God!!
For Such a Time As This (Tulsa, OK)
One of the key principles that we teach when holding a Four Fields/Church Planting training, is that when we do outreach, we are looking for a person of peace (God-prepared person). We go through examples in the Scriptures, and then put what we're teaching into practice by going into the community surrounding the church to look for persons of peace (house of peace search). During a recent outreach, one of the first doors we knocked on a woman answered and we asked her if we could pray for her and her family and she immediately started to cry. She said that she had been going through a really hard time and had cried out to God to show her a sign that He was there and cared about her situation. We prayed for her and she began to cry even harder, the mascara was running off her face. After sharing a brief testimony and the gospel, using the 3 Circles, she said that she wanted to put her faith in Jesus. Often times people assume that the gospel isn't good news any more and people just don't want to here it, but we can tell you that people do! Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful, only the laborers are few (Luke 10:2). This woman was ready to receive our message, she is an example of a Person of Peace!
For Such A Time As This (Your Partnership)
Give: Consider becoming a partner by your monthly giving. Your partnership makes it possible for us to continue doing what God has called us to do full time. Prayerfully consider a monthly donation of $25, $50, $75, $100 or whatever amount God leads you to give. Or if you have a small group or church that we can share our ministry with, we'd love to have you contact us.
Pray: We greatly appreciate your prayers! Please continue to pray for and with us to see all the world reached for Jesus.
Go: Come with us! The world is in dire need to hear the Gospel. Come labor with us and bring the Light to Europe. Who knows, maybe God has called YOU to take His message to Ireland or Poland for such a time as this!
What happens when you bring your Irish friend into a Walmart for the first time?
He goes straight for the St. Patrick's day aisle!
