Just returning from Ireland and I'm almost at a loss for words. Never do I want updates/newsletters to get repetitive but sometimes I cannot help but say what I've said every other time...this trip was fabulous and God did, and is continuing to do, amazing things. I pray you all never tire of reading those words!
This was our second time in Dundalk, but the first in the area of Muirhevnamore. Our team consisted of some going on their first ever mission trip and some who were veterans at it. Together God used us to share the Gospel with 69 people, train 12 new believers, hold 8 Discovery Bible Studies, plant 1 new church and have 31 people who desired to have someone followed up with them, and there were 3 people who made a profession of faith in Christ...and we were in the field only 5 days!
Why do we do what we do?
Because we want to be following the example Jesus gave us in Luke 10:
"and He sent them two by two..." vs 1 e3 National Director Andrew Clements and Lisa
"....The Kingdom of God has come near to you." vs 9Tony sharing with a young man on the DKIT campus "But whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house.' And if a son of peace is there, your peace will remain on it; if not it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give..." vs. 5-7
Team member, Michelle, after sharing the Gospel and talking to a young man who knew nothing about Jesus or the Bible, was invited back for Bible Study and dinner! "Then the 70 returned with joy..." vs 17 Can you see the JOY on Michelle's face? This is what happens when God uses you as His ambassador and you see lives transformed by the Gospel.
Locally, we were blessed to have a Four Fields Intensive Training in May with author Ying Kai as our one of our trainers. Here we are with Ying and Grace Kai at our church in Houston.
God is so good and we are truly grateful for your financial and prayer partnership. If you have not yet become a financial partner, please pray about partnering with us to make an impact for Christ in Ireland. I am currently at about 36% of my overall goal. You may do so at:
Also, e3 Giving Day is coming up!
Until the whole world hears, Lisa and To