Boasting about the Lord - 1 Cor 1:31

Dunluce Castle on the rugged Antrim Coast, Northern Ireland. The castle is said to be the inspiration for C.S.Lewis' Cair Paravel in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
We love how the New Living Translation states 1 Corinthians 1:31, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD." And we are boasting about the Lord, what He is doing in Ireland and the opportunities He has given us to share about it.

So let the boasting begin.

We boast that He is a Promise Keeper. People often wonder if they can truly make a difference going on a short term mission trip. The answer is an emphatic YES! When in Ireland with a team, we try to encourage them that while many times it may seem that we are not seeing fruit immediately, we reassure them that God is at work. And while we may not always get to see the fruit first hand, we will one day. Revelation 7:9 is a beloved verse in the mission world as it states that there will be a great multitude from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne and before the Lamb. EVERY nation! ALL tribes, peoples and languages! A GREAT MULTITUDE! God doesn't promise we will get to see the fruit of our labors on this side of heaven, but He does promise we will see it one day. What a glorious day that will be!

We boast about Him and what He is doing after our teams leave. How people we talked to are reaching out into their relationships, talking about Jesus and inviting them to find out more about Him at bible studies. How bible studies and churches that were planted are regularly meeting. How people are professing Christ. How Andrew is discipling new believers and how some of them are going out with him to do follow up. How He is moving our 32x32 vision forward as we are working in 4 counties and possibly 3 more this year!

We boast about Him for the teams He is assembling to go. This year we have 5 church partnerships going with us! Four of those churches are in Texas and one in Alabama. How He has laid Ireland on so many people's hearts as many people tell us how they have been praying for Ireland for a very long time.

We boast about Him for the opportunities He has given us to share about our mission work. Our church recently held it's annual mission conference and Lisa had the opportunity to share about e3 and all that is going on in Ireland. It was truly a privilege to share with our church. Tony also preached that weekend about the Great Commission. See sermon here:
Matthew 28: 17-20....Go in life-changing mission!
Sharing at Cypress Bible Church Conference lunch about e3 and Ireland.
The children in our church are taught about missions from a young age. Sharing with the Pre K and Kindergartners about Ireland. When asked what animals are most popular on the island, several kids answered with dragons and unicorns! 
Tony, with other e3 leaders at the CPM Strategy Meeting at the Hope Center in Dallas.
We boast about Him for your partnershipPartnership....what a beautiful word and it is your partnership that allows us to do the work God has placed on our hearts and lives. We thank you for your partnership in praying for us and Ireland, for going with us to this gorgeous island and sharing the Good News of Jesus and giving with your financial gifts. If you would like to partner with a monthly gift or one time donation, you may do so at this link:
Please pray for the continued preparations for our large team we are leading July 1-8 in an area of North Dublin as well as the Ireland Summit Conference in September which will be followed by another team coming in to go out into the harvest. Lots of preparations for both these large, church partnership teams as well as all the logistics for the conference.
We both love to read. So we thought it might be fun to share about a few books on Ireland that are excellent if you want to learn more. Find out how the Irish monks of old played an enormous role in preserving western culture, about the truth of St. Patrick and about the Guinness family whose legacy extends far beyond beer. Many members of the Guinness family where followers of Jesus. Happy reading!

God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD." 
1 Corinthians 30-31 NLT

Until the whole world hears,
Lisa and Tony


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