Ireland September 2019 was the last time we had a team in Ireland. And while it has been a long, strange two years, we have seen God do some wonderful things in answer to our prayers. Laborers and partners have been raised up and bible studies have taken place during this entire time! God is so good! And another answer to prayer, is that Ireland is opening up on July 19! So, God willing, Tony and I will be heading to Dublin in October to do a small training and vision casting with some of the new laborers. This trip will also be an assessment as to what post-COVID travel there will be like and how to move forward with ministry. Excited isn't a strong enough word to describe my feelings! I am beyond thankful for God to open this door for "re-entry" back to this island that has captured my heart!
Praise: - For the new laborers and partnerships in Ireland - Opportunity to resume travel to Ireland for ministry
Pray: - For the training/vision casting - Planning of the October trip |